Priorities for Progress
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we can work together for change.

We know government can work. We’ve seen it fix problems and change lives for the better. In Massachusetts, our common sense approach to effective government has always balanced optimism and pragmatism. We have been idealistic and yet realistic.

In order to make real progress in Massachusetts, we must translate our values into real results. We need to move past the status quo and embrace innovative approaches to find solutions to the problems facing us in the 21st century — and when something isn’t working in government, we need to be brave enough to try something new.

 Join us For A Zoom conversation on the 2022 elections

Join PFP for a panel discussion about our RCT study on increasing Black voter turnout in Boston's municipal elections. PFP will release its findings on a cost-effective, replicable strategy to boost turnout and discuss its new policy paper in conversation with Steph Domond, lead author on the study; Lauren Harper, co-founder of WelcomePAC; and Peter de Guzman, associate researcher at Tufts University's Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement.


join us.

We can take on the challenges facing our state to develop stronger communities and a better economy — not because change is easy, but because building a vibrant future for our Commonwealth depends on it. Join us to fight for what works.


Join the fight.

We know government can work, because we’ve seen it fix problems and change lives. We also know effective government has to be both idealistic and realistic. When a program isn’t working, we should try something new. When innovative ideas create positive change, we should embrace the challenges that come along with any change. When competing priorities clash, we should be honest about the tradeoffs involved.

When election day comes around, we should work together for change because change is not easy, and the status quo always has defenders.